At King's Mobile Pet Grooming and Spa, we are not just pet groomers - we are animal lovers and pet advocates! We believe that giving back is so important. As such, we work with the following organizations in order to assist animals that are in need of medical care or waiting to find new permanent homes. Please visit their websites to see how you can also help.
I just want to say that Kevin did an awesome job with my German Shepherd Tyson. I was so anxious about Tyson getting groomed because he doesn't do well with kennels or other dogs, so I figured maybe Mobile grooming would be the best for him; one on one attention and I was right!. So many pets get very anxious when it comes time for grooming. Even the car ride alone can cause anxiety; some owners have to calm their pets down just to make it to the salon.
With mobile grooming, there's no driving or cages that will make your pet suffer through the experience. Unlike other groomers, King's focuses purely on the pet's satisfication. Our groomers have a special touch when it comes to gaining your pet's trust which then ends in a successful groom.
I just want to say that Kevin did an awesome job with my German Shepherd Tyson. I was so anxious about Tyson getting groomed because he doesn't do well with kennels or other dogs, so I figured maybe Mobile grooming would be the best for him; one on one attention and I was right!. So many pets get very anxious when it comes time for grooming. Even the car ride alone can cause anxiety; some owners have to calm their pets down just to make it to the salon.
With mobile grooming, there's no driving or cages that will make your pet suffer through the experience. Unlike other groomers, King's focuses purely on the pet's satisfication. Our groomers have a special touch when it comes to gaining your pet's trust which then ends in a successful groom.
When Kevin King won his first pet at eight years old (a goldfish from school), he knew he wanted to work with animals in some capacity.
After pivoting from wanting to be a veterinarian, he attended West Coast Grooming Academy to help him accomplish that goal.
Now Kevin is helping your pets look and feel their best with the help of his father, Carter King.
The father-son duo believes that mobile grooming is the best option for your four-legged family members because it keeps them from being taken out of their environment.
After pivoting from wanting to be a veterinarian, he attended West Coast Grooming Academy to help him accomplish that goal.
Now Kevin is helping your pets look and feel their best with the help of his father, Carter King.
The father-son duo believes that mobile grooming is the best option for your four-legged family members because it keeps them from being taken out of their environment.
This a-la-carte service is offered in addition to any one of the Grooming Packages mentioned above.
In Addition to the Royal Bath, a Sanitary Trim can be added.
This involves shaving of the anal region underneath the tail and the cats genital regions.
This trim is ideal to keep your cats butt clean and dingle berry free.
A great option for long haired cats.
The 1/2 Belly Shave (aka the "Crop Top") involves shaving the sanitary region up to the belly buton.
The Full Belly Shave (or "Full Frontal") involes shaving the cat's underside up to their chest.
In Addition to the Royal Bath, a Sanitary Trim can be added.
This involves shaving of the anal region underneath the tail and the cats genital regions.
This trim is ideal to keep your cats butt clean and dingle berry free.
A great option for long haired cats.
The 1/2 Belly Shave (aka the "Crop Top") involves shaving the sanitary region up to the belly buton.
The Full Belly Shave (or "Full Frontal") involes shaving the cat's underside up to their chest.
Do you have questions that need to be answered before deciding on having your pet groomed?
King's Mobile Pet Grooming FAQ's has you covered.
With the extra cost of mobile grooming comes several added benefits such as convenience, no cages, special attention given to your pet.
For more detailed information about the benefits of mobile grooming, check out our blog post about it here.
All of our groomers are professionally trained and certified.
Kevin was formally trained at the prestigious West Coast Grooming Academy, where he later became an instructor before starting King's Mobile Pet Spa.
King's Mobile Pet Grooming FAQ's has you covered.
With the extra cost of mobile grooming comes several added benefits such as convenience, no cages, special attention given to your pet.
For more detailed information about the benefits of mobile grooming, check out our blog post about it here.
All of our groomers are professionally trained and certified.
Kevin was formally trained at the prestigious West Coast Grooming Academy, where he later became an instructor before starting King's Mobile Pet Spa.
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